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Alex Patterson VUA 1946-1951 | ad1935ap~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Hello Neale,
If you meant ”I don’t understand” it should read, “Verstehe nicht”… I think. But why do I think you know that already? I thought we were in Cousins’ class together.
Anyhow best wishes from a bright and sunny North York,
Thu 7-Apr-2022 16:38 - North York, Ontario, Canada
alan wightman | aconlan111~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Good Morning, Mike & Everyone.

`Rhetoricals´ may now advance:
`Panzer-Alemania / Saracen-Tripolitania.

Armoured Personnel Carrier replaced `Centurion´ for future `Policing´ role in Northern Ireland.´

`Saracens´Rugby Club name is said to have come from Endurance, Enthusiasm and perceived Invincibility of Saladin´s desert warriors of the twelfth century.

`Sandancer´- `Geordieland´.

Thu 7-Apr-2022 11:11 - south Shields
Gee Alex, I'm after OG's!!
Can't get no respect.
Ich bin Auslander . Feichsternicht.
(is that the right spelling)
Wed 6-Apr-2022 19:25
Alex Patterson VUA 1946-1951 | ad1935ap~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Hello Mike, O.B's and O.G's, and Neale,
You missed the obvious RTR...It is, of course, 'Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs Gmbh. Slips off the tongue, doesn't it? You may remember I studied German with Herr Cousins.
Alex, from a cool and blustery North York.
Wed 6-Apr-2022 17:43 - North York, Ontario, Canada
Sat 2-Apr-2022 19:54
alan wightman | aconlan111~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Good Morning, Mike & Everyone,

`Diversity is the Spice of Life´.

`Jack Knives´ `Spork´ `Irons´. (RTR).

`Sandancer´ - `Geordieland´.
Sat 2-Apr-2022 07:26 - south Shields
Alex Patterson VUA 1946-1951 | ad1935ap~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Hello Mike and O.B’s and O.G’s,
Google is a wonderful service !! Since Sapper Backhouse, in his reply, forgot to clarify the meaning of the expression “Subject Normal”, I resorted to Google again to see if I could find out anything about it. After a bit of digging, I came across that well known Italian web-site ‘idanat-studiosclavi-com’ and, sure enough, there was the definition in all its Italian glory. It read thus, “Subject Normal - Le scolite sconcezze”. My fluency in the Italian language is woefully lacking and I needed an English version of this mystery phrase.
So this time I used Google Translation which came up with “Subject Normal - The usual filth.” !!! The Usual Filth?!?!?! I ask you, how could anyone put Sapper Backhouse and Subject Normal in the same sentence? Or in fact any of the Old Boys who contribute to our wonderful site.
By the way, Neale, I used to eat my RAF meals with a Spork, a combined spoon and fork with the two outer tines having serrated edges. I also loved the RAF meals, my friends couldn’t understand it…but at that time my Mum was a terrible cook. Furthermore, I was a Brylcream Boy since my days in High School. You may remember going to Derby Street Baths where on the way out after a swim, there was a Brylcream dispenser, that emitted a great dollop of Brylcream for a penny ( or maybe it was a threepenny bit) but when one applied the complete dollop we all ended up going back to school looking like Rudolph Valentino, while eating our pork fat dip from the butcher shop in Derby Street.
WRT Bruce’s latest reference to Sanddancer, I googled ‘Sanddancer Clothing’ which specializes in casual clothing, t-shirts, hoodies, denims, baseball caps, all having some graphic reference to South Shields such as the Groyne, the Grotto, Coat of Arms etc. The company name is spelled correctly with 2 d’s.
Finally WRT Alan Wightman’s latest epistle, quoting Keats, is exactly the opposite of my view of the world, which is,”Pain is oft a visitant, but pleasure clings happily to me (and I hope the rest of us)“
Today is April Fools Day and of course I’ve been caught off guard…’Twas ever thus,
Take care,
Fri 1-Apr-2022 20:11 - North York, Ontario, Canada
Bruce Graham | bsgraham~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
To continue the "Sandancer" conundrum, last weekend on the BBC's Football Focus" TV programme it was a non-league special and was hosted by South Shields Football Club. Apparently they're doing quite well this season.

In one of the interviews with some of the supporters (who were tucking in to some chips covered in curry sauce)one of the lads referred to himself as a Sandancer (should there be two 'd's) so the term is obviously in current use.

As for "subject normal" - no, I never came across it, but I think I can work out what it means!!
Fri 1-Apr-2022 15:39
alan wightman | aconlan111~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Good Morning, Mike & Everyone

John Keats: "Pleasure is oft a visitant, but pain clings cruelly to us".

`Sandancer´ - `Geordieland´.
Fri 1-Apr-2022 08:38
Neale Backhouse | nealebackh~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Inspector Alex is after me again.
Dear Alex, of course I don't expect you brylcream boys in the RAF to have heard of such a low class term as Subject Normal, but in the ranks of Her Majesty's Royal Corps of Engineers it was common chatter, along with all the other disgusting epithets that were bandied about. In my private life I have tried terribly hard, even using terms like terribly hard, to live down the ghastly stigma of having rubbed shoulders with common soldiers. It was only when I was on my Para course at Abingdon that I was able to appreciate the superior manners and hauteur of the Air Force personnel. They even allowed us to eat alongside them, provided of course that we used our knives and forks. And that was hard on us as we usually used our jack knives and spoons. But I must say they were really kind to us, took us for nice rides in aeroplanes, provided that we jumped out of them. Yes that experience with the RAF boys probably changed my life for the better and made me appreciate the finer things in life. So Alex , by all means pick out any other malaprops that I might utter. It's all part of the "Went in a boy and came out a man" syndrome that I'm still working on.
Cheers, Neale (Sapper, that is )
Thu 31-Mar-2022 02:19 - Victoria BC

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